Job's Dinner - Short Film
Short Narrative Film
Job’s Dinner is a black comedy based on the Book of Job. It’s a story of love, faith and unending friendship as old friends, with opposing political and religious views gather together celebrate the New Year. Unlike his companions, Job has lost everything, except his faith, which is re-confirmed by the night’s events.
Indeed, the film centres around a discussion of faith and the events that shape our lives. It demonstrates how individuals may hold differing beliefs to one another but can still remain friends.
The film stars Maureen Lipmann and was the film directorial debut for renowned acting coach Giles Foreman.
Filmed on a RED Epic.
Produced by Nicola Quilter and Reine Issa
Cinematography by Ewan Mulligan.
Edited, coloured and vfx by Jonathan Stow here at Intraspectrum Studios.