Valentine Jacobs - Short Film
Short Narrative Film
True Romance meets Bonnie & Clyde. It’s a British crime drama, a road movie set in 70’s rural England.
Set in the British summer of 1975, it tells the story of a young girl (Rose) desperate to escape from the boredom of life living with her police detective father (Marcus). She is charmed into running away with a trigger happy, young rebel without a cause (Val). Soon the race is on between the authorities and Marcus to capture the pair, leaving a trail of bodies in their wake in what was to become the country’s biggest manhunt.
The film stars Jason Julien-Connage as well as being produced and directed by him.
Filmed on a ARRI Alexa
Cinematography by Claudio Cadman.
Edited, coloured and Titles by Jonathan Stow here at Intraspectrum Studios.